Monday 26 April 2010

Childrens Lessons at the Kung Fu School

Our Crawley Martial Arts school is one of the few of it's kind ... acredited by the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine and has some of the finest martial arts facilities you'll find anywhere.

A short clip of some of kids training Wing Chun Kung Fu at our headquarters in Crawley. We teach childrens only classes and never mix their lessons with adults. After all they learn differently and you'd talk to adults differently than to children.

The lessons are a lot of fun, energetic, keep kids active and teach the the stepping stones they need to one day become great role models and martial artists.

Check out our Kids martial arts lessons or just Google Crawley Kung Fu Schools!

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Wing Chun at the Crawley Martial Arts School

For many, starting martial arts begins with any old martial art. It's rare and unusual to find a beginner who knows what style they're looking for. Perhaps you just want to get fit, meet someone new or learn some self defence...

What style of martial arts rarely registers on the scale.

At the Kung Fu School based on Crawley we teach Wing Chun Kung Fu, a southern Chinese Kung Fu system designed and used for close quarter fighting and self-defence.

Focusing on practicality, economy of motion and a rapid strikes - the system is aggressive yet considered a soft style.

Check out the Crawley martial arts school on Spindle Way.

Friday 4 December 2009

Try Something New at the Crawley Martial Arts School

Alittle bit daunting, a step into the unknow and the risk of getting beating up... that's the first thought for many when it comes to visiting the Crawley Martial Arts club based on Spindle Way. Fortunately bad clubs with an initiation that includes being beaten 'black n blue' are few and far between... plus it doesn't mean their any good either!

The Kung Fu School is one of the many Crawley martial arts clubs teaching classes to adults and children of all ages, ability and experience. In fact one of the great things about martial arts is that you can start at any age. Good clubs cater for all levels ... the raw novice and can take you all the way to seasoned veteran.

Adults Martial Arts Classes
It's a sad fact that a lot of people see martial arts as something that's "Good for kids" and forget that it's just as good - maybe even better for adults. Sure you've got self-defence lessons, sure you'll get fitter but what about the investment in your grey matter? Lots of adults stop active learning when they leave school and get drawn into the rat race that revolves around work, family, television. Usually in that order - then it's start again tomorrow.

The Crawley martial arts school is a great example of how you can continue to grow and invest in yourself. Spend time using your body, meeting other people and spending time in a positive and truely motivating environment. The mind and body fusion is something martial arts offer that no other sport even comes close to.

Crawley Martial Arts for Kids
Teaching kids from 4 years through to the time they join the adult classes - young children learn the fundamentals of kung fu and learn that having the confidence to stand up for yourself and walk away is the best way to beat the bully.

Younger kids focus on learning larger, gross movements to improve co-ordination, balance and agility while taking part in lesson that teach respect, manners and staying focused. With age specific class Little Dragons aged 4 - 6 years move up to a Junior class before starting adult classes from 13 onwards. At each stage they are being built up for the next class. Improving every time.

Why not join today?
The Kung Fu School is an amazing place to learn Crawley martial arts. With a full-time, professionally run club, friendly instructors and a welcoming environoment - it's the perfect place to start your journey into martial arts.

The best way to start is always by jumping in the deep end and the Kung Fu School runs a 4 week free trial membership for all new students to let them get a feel for training.

To find out more about Crawley Martial Arts Club... the Kung Fu School call 01293 544 333 or visit